c-concept projectmanagement GmbH
Legal notice
Liebenauer Hauptstraße 2-6
8041 Graz
Tel: +43 316 405646
Fax: +43 316 405685
E -Mail: office@c-concept.com
Website: www.c-concept.com
For information, privacy information and complaints please contact: office@c-concept.com
Member of the Economic Chamber: WKO Graz, Styria
Professional groups: Business consulting and information technology, trade in machines, computer systems, technical supplies, trade agency
Media owner, editor and publisher: Hermann Gschiel
Address: Liebenauer Hauptstrasse 2-6, 8041 Graz, Austria
Commercial Register no.: 232591x
Court of record: Regional Court for Civil-Law Matters (LG ZRS) Graz
Authority in charge under the E-Commerce Act (ECG): District Commission of Graz
VAT registration no.: ATU56831968
DPR: 4010875
Company purpose: Project management
Managing Director: Hermann Gschiel
Information under the E-Commerce Act: see ECG